Bay View Bark is an exciting place for your dog!
Here are a few tips to keep your dog(s) safe and ready for a day of fun.
We feel that these methods provide long term success, foster beneficial bonding, and grow a trusting relationship as you and your dog work together!

Even dogs that are wonderful friends during off-leash play can get too excited while on leash and bark at each other.
In the mornings, please enter through the South (blue) door and exit through the North (black) door to prevent congestion.
Your dog should be wearing a working quick-release collar and a non-retractable leash when entering. Additional harnesses and head collars are welcome, but ABSOLUTELY NO retractable leashes, metal leashes or metal collars.
You may see employees entering and/or doing early morning prep in the lobby prior to 7am weekdays or 9am Sat, Sun, or Holidays, please give us these few minutes to make sure we are ready for all our guests. We will always indicate when we are ready by flipping the signs to “OPEN”.